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July 12 21:00 additional concert | Erna Daugaviete cello and Live Poetry performance with Lita Mežavilka

July 12 21:00 additional concert | Erna Daugaviete cello and Live Poetry performance with Lita Mežavilka

Regular price €15,00 EUR
Regular price Sale price €15,00 EUR
Sale Sold out

5 total reviews

An additional concert with added value. This concert will be supplemented with an arrangement of Raimonds Pauls' favorite compositions for cello, as well as a special guest - poet Lita Mežavilka. The concert will be leisurely, with an intermission so that everyone can receive their own lines of poetry.
After the concert, we will offer an open microphone so you can share your received lines of poetry.
The perfect combination of Lita's "Live Poetry" with cello arrangements performed by Erna will conjure up an unforgettable evening of soulful pleasure with a feel-good aftertaste of an airy vision of the present moment.
Living Poetry is a typewriter poetry performance.
Encounter your soul's world and its moods in poetry!
Give the poet Lita some words of feeling
and within a few moments receive a message dedicated just to you,
poetry created on a typewriter for free.

What to expect ?
Concert without tables and snacks. If you want to spend a social evening with friends at a table, then you can choose concerts from the series "For Life's Enjoyers" with snacks and a glass of wine included in the price.
We offer to stay with us overnight in shared tents, where one place on soft foam mattresses with soft pillows and warm blankets will cost 15 euros per person.
Each tent will have 4 sleeping places, we can vary the number of sleeping places. In total we have 4 such blue bell tents. I have attached pictures.
We also have 3 folding beds if someone doesn't want to sleep on a mattress on the floor.

Please reserve your berths in advance by calling 25678898 Dace or

We also offer 3 furnished tents for those who love comfort:
Double 50 euros
Triple 60 euros
Quadruple 70 euros

Erna Daugaviete will elevate the sound of the cello to a completely different level compared to how we are used to listening to cello solo performances.

Erna uses a looper in her playing, it is a technical device with the help of which one part is layered on another, thus creating a complete sound like an entire cello orchestra. By adding the excellent acoustics of the dome, the sound of the cello will be especially versatile and you will be able to enjoy all the nuances of this wonderful instrument. Erna will play her own arrangements of popular pieces, as well as original compositions. Of course, there will be improvisation and surprise moments.

In the program :

Hans Zimmer
Marcin Przybylowicz
Sam Smith
Billie Eilish

Stephen Sanchez
Lana del Rey
Miley Cyrus
Frank Sinatra

Why the cello? The cello is considered one of the most excellent-sounding instruments with its warm, lively tones and rich tonal range. Historically, the cello is associated with orchestral and chamber music, but over the years it has made the transition to more modern musical genres, including jazz, rock and pop. Solo cello playing is becoming increasingly popular thanks to both domestic and foreign cello solo virtuosos. Let's enjoy an evening of cello sounds in a dome on the banks of the Daugava River, as the versatile sound of the cello soars into the sky.

We are waiting for you at the Camping near the Daugava in Jaunlejgava "Ceriņi", in the spherical dome on May 26 from 8:00 PM.

The event starts at 9:00 PM.

Ticket purchase

  1. Tickets are not delivered separately. The paid invoice serves as an event ticket.
  2. Purchased tickets are accepted for refund and/or exchange only in the event of cancellation/postponement of the event.
  3. Purchased tickets may be transferred to other persons.
  4. By purchasing a ticket, the User agrees to the internal rules of the event venue set by the event organizer.
  5. Payment for the ticket is made immediately in full, applying the entered discount codes, if any.

Arrive before the concert

Book your own picnic table or picnic spot on the pontoon and spend the day before the concert in the fresh air.

We recommend taking a boat trip, cycling or renting a boat before the concert to spend more time in nature and on the water. The boat runs from May to September.

Camping by the Daugava is waiting for you :)

Feel free to call if you have any questions 25678898 Dace

Possibility to stay overnight

During the summer season: June, July and August, we set up furnished tents and welcome guests for overnight stays. You can always bring your own tent or camper.

Tents can be booked here.

View full details

Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
Ilva Lejiņa
Ernas Daugavietes koncerts

Ernas Daugavietes koncertu apmeklējām jau otro reizi un gaidīsim vēl!
Koncertkupolā vienmēr ir patīkama atmosfēra - tas ir ne tikai muzikāls, bet arī dabas baudījums. Koncerti saulrietos un upes tuvumā ir vēl maģiskāki.
Norises laiks tiek atbilstoši pielāgots, lai kupola viesi tajā justos komfortablāk.
Turklāt, ārkārtīgs prieks, ka viesiem tiek dota iespēja baudīt kultūru un arī apmeklēt brīvkoncertu, kam piesaistīts projektu finansējums. Tas priecē gan klausītājus, gan mūziķus.


Ļoti skaista vieta!

Violeta Hrikina-Seredenko

Tas bija vienreizējs vakars!!!

Ruta Legzdiņa
Ļoti patika

Nekad nebiju dzirdējusi čellu klātienē. Doties uz koncertu bija izaicinājums, mums abiem ar draugu. Fantastiska atmosfēra, apkārt patīkama publika. ļoti patika. Žēl, ka nepaaicināju draugus.

Nauris Bisenieks
Paldies, Ernai Daugavietei un ik katram, kas atnāca.

Paldies, katram tas izpaužas savādāk. Sajūtās bij dvēselisks miers, kā mājās. Šīs skaņas ievibrē ļoti dziļi, un tās pēcsajūtas atnes vieglu, gaisīgu šī brīža redzējumu. Cilvēki atgriežas šeit, lai pieredzētu, atkal un atkal. Lai viss nāk un izdodas.

  • A concert at the tables for those who enjoy life

  • We turn on the heaters in colder weather.

  • Events for children

  • Classical music concerts

  • Many events include drinks in the price.

  • Singing events

  • Sunsets here are magical.

  • Coming from Klidžina by boat

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Pictures from the event archive

Every concert is an adventure. Don't delay in booking yours! A great opportunity to celebrate a special occasion with friends or as a couple.