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June 29 21:00 Party "Summer Night's Thrill" jazz trio "Le Petit Paris"

June 29 21:00 Party "Summer Night's Thrill" jazz trio "Le Petit Paris"

Regular price €30,00 EUR
Regular price €0,00 EUR Sale price €30,00 EUR
Sale Sold out

5 total reviews

Peter's admission is free upon presentation of a document.

It seems that once upon a time the grass was greener and the sun brighter...and the music was...what?...more heartfelt maybe?...closer to people...maybe more real...?...

Imagine - an accordion or guitar, double bass, gentle trombone sounds....a precise, unobtrusive rhythm. French moods and light jazz...And it all sounds acoustic, without electronics, just like before...Yes, that's right - it's not some imaginary dream, it's reality, Trio LA PETITE PARIS sounds exactly like that.

The music is performed at a highly professional level, which will not leave any listener's heart indifferent, will make you travel through time and the world, together with the great musicians of the ensemble.
Marko Ojala - accordion, vocals, guitar
Lauris Amantovs - trombone
Raivo Ozols - double bass

What to expect: A glass of drink and the "forbidden" evening dessert (because sweets are no longer eaten this late) are included in the price.

We are waiting for you at the Camping on the Daugava in Jaunjelgava "Ceriņi", in the spherical dome on June 29 from 20:00, the event starts at 21:00

Google maps link

Ticket purchase

  1. Tickets are not delivered separately. The paid invoice serves as an event ticket.
  2. Purchased tickets are accepted for refund and/or exchange only in the event of cancellation/postponement of the event.
  3. Purchased tickets may be transferred to other persons.
  4. By purchasing a ticket, the User agrees to the internal rules of the event venue set by the event organizer.
  5. Payment for the ticket is made immediately in full, applying the entered discount codes, if any.

Arrive before the concert

Book your own picnic table or picnic spot on the pontoon and spend the day before the concert in the fresh air.

We recommend taking a boat trip, cycling or renting a boat before the concert to spend more time in nature and on the water. The boat runs from May to September.

Camping by the Daugava is waiting for you :)

Feel free to call if you have any questions 25678898 Dace

Possibility to stay overnight

During the summer season: June, July and August, we set up furnished tents and welcome guests for overnight stays. You can always bring your own tent or camper.

Tents can be booked here.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
Ļoti patika

Koncerts ļoti patika. Liels prieks par sakopto vidi, pozitīvajiem cilvēkiem un foršajiem kupola saimniekiem. Par visu padomāts, skaisti un gaumīgi izrotāts un izgaismots. Noteikti gribēsim atgriezties pie Jums. Un par garšīgo kūku atsevišķi liels PALDIES!

Lieliska atmosfēra un lielisks mākslinieku sniegums

Lieliska atmosfēra un lielisks mākslinieku sniegums

Ilze Dzilna-Šilova
Baudījums dvēselei un sirdij

Jutāmies gaidīti un ļoti viesmīlīgi uzņemti. Pasākums lieliski noorganizēts, silta un personiska attieksme, brīnišķīga svētku atmosfēra, lieliska mūzika no sirds uz sirdi. Pasakaini skaista vieta ar ziedošām pļavām un Daugavu zeltainā saulrietā, brīnišķīgs izbrauciens ar kuģīti pa Daugavu turpat līdzās pirms koncerta.

Kaspars Kirpitis

29.jūnijs 21:00 Ballīte "Vasaras nakts odziņa" džeza trio "Le Petit Paris"


Paldies! Burvīga vieta, skaists saulrieta koncerts, lieliska uzņemšana un vēl bonusā izbrauciens ar kuģīti "Baltā kaza". Viss bija bezgala mīlīgi :)

  • A concert at the tables for those who enjoy life

  • We turn on the heaters in colder weather.

  • Events for children

  • Classical music concerts

  • Many events include drinks in the price.

  • Singing events

  • Sunsets here are magical.

  • Coming from Klidžina by boat

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Pictures from the event archive

Every concert is an adventure. Don't delay in booking yours! A great opportunity to celebrate a special occasion with friends or as a couple.